
Evaporation vacuum coating machine works

Vacuum coating machine vacuum evaporation coating (referred to evaporation) is the earliest development of PVD technology, is widely used in coating technology. Although later developed sputtering and ion plating is superior in many respects than the deposition, but there are many advantages of vacuum evaporation techniques, such as equipment and technology is relatively simple and can be very pure film coating system, but also to prepare film with a specific structure and nature, are still very important in today's coating technology. In recent years, due to electron bombardment evaporation, high frequency induction evaporation and laser evaporation technique widely used in the evaporation coating techniques to make this technology more perfect.

The membranes placed in a vacuum coating chamber, by heating to evaporate the evaporation source, when the mean free path of the molecules is greater than the linear dimensions of the evaporation vacuum coating chamber, atomic and molecular vapor to escape from the rear surface of the evaporation source, rarely other molecules or atoms impact the obstacle, can be plated directly to the substrate surface, due to the low substrate temperature, it condenses thereon to form a film, in order to improve the adhesion to the substrate molecule was evaporated, the substrate is heated appropriately is necessary. For the evaporation coating smoothly, should have the vacuum evaporation process and the process of film evaporation.

Vacuum evaporation process conditions: when the mean free path of the vapor molecules of the vacuum coating indoor greater than the distance of the evaporation source and the substrate (called steaming distance), will obtain a sufficient vacuum. For this reason, increasing the mean free path of the residual gas, so as to reduce the probability of collisions with residual gas molecules of steam molecules, the vacuum coating chamber evacuated to a high vacuum is necessary.

Vacuum coating process, the requirements for the degree of vacuum is not the higher the better, because the degree of vacuum in the vacuum coating interior beyond 10-6Pa, you must bake the vacuum degassing system can be achieved. Since baking degassing can cause pollution of the substrate, thus without baking degassing under a high vacuum can be obtained when the film 10-5Pa, the quality of the film is not necessarily lower than the ultra-high vacuum film prepared poor quality, it is worth noting. Therefore, in the vacuum evaporation coating equipment, coating chamber vacuum degree of choice should be generally higher than 10-2Pa, less than 10-5Pa.


Vacuum coating machine hypersonic wind tunnel system transformation

To improve the efficiency of vacuum coating machine hypersonic wind tunnel tests to meet the needs of the new situation, the protection of the vacuum system has been modified. After the transformation, the vacuum system operation and maintenance to reduce costs and improve the operating environment, significantly improve the efficiency of wind tunnel tests. This article describes the vacuum protection system reform program, carried out before and after the transformation of the system performance comparison.

Vacuum systems are hypersonic wind tunnel blowing suction important driving force protection system to protect the ability of the vacuum system directly restricts the ability of a hypersonic wind tunnel test. China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center of Φ1 m hypersonic wind tunnel, Φ0.3 m density hypersonic wind tunnel, a hypersonic wind tunnel arc share a vacuum system, this vacuum system operation for nearly 40 years, increasingly unable to meet the growing improve wind tunnel test requirements.

The main vacuum suction device for H-600 system rotary piston vacuum pump, which pumps for oil seal mechanical pump, one unit is aging, inefficient operation and maintenance costs are too high, partly because of the vacuum pump oil burning arc corrosion product reacts undermine the normal operation of the vacuum pump, and serious environmental pollution, restricting the completion of the test tasks. To meet the needs of the growing number of wind tunnel tests, increasing the protection capacity of the vacuum system, to ensure that the operator of the vacuum system has been upgraded necessary.


Metal locks and vacuum coating equipment industry

Metal locks companies in order to obtain long-term development not only need to focus on quality, the pursuit of innovation, but also need to rack their brains to do the marketing strategy. To do business marketing, really want brains, flower fan thought the job done nature of marketing! Understand the market demand to have their own marketing personality, with their own characteristics to create a demand to attract consumers;

On the other hand is a comprehensive manner to meet customer demand for nature-based, which means that the nature of the business to develop a colorful comparison of alternative products to break through the conventional strike force rich marketing, mining, guide, create and satisfy the market demand, in line with today's people novelty, difference, change of personal consumption tide.

At present, with the development of real estate, cars and other pillar industries, improvement of living standards and an increase in home decorating, the growing demand for locks, which greatly boosted spending to upgrade the market, also contributed to the rapid development of the industry. Locks in terms of technology, or the grade, there has also been enhanced. Double tongue resumed security locks, electronic password lock spherical, magnetic locks, encryption type, excellent quality, high-tech smart locks the market, is the best performance. Domestic and foreign products and technologies changing locks, locks the super market is gradually Gold exudes eye-catching golden.

While high-end lock products have become the mainstream consumer market trends, but the industry needs to want a higher level efforts in many ways. The production process, the surface treatment and processing fuss (such as the use of plating decorative film or functional film), improve product durability and decorative, but also the development and application of the latest technology, materials, energy reduction consumption and reduce pollution. In marketing, increase the intensity of the adjustment of product structure, selecting the right starting point, the high-tech, high value-added R & D focus lock as the implementation of brand strategy, further enhance brand awareness, improving quality management, and strict quality standards, foster a number of quality hardware, industry big name brands.


Uneven coating processing vacuum coating machine

  Vacuum coating machine handling different processes differ, casual glitches are likely to affect the normal operation of the whole machine equipment, encountered problems to one investigation, with experienced instructors can often solve many problems. Speaking of the uniformity of the coating, which is one of the standard assessment of a vacuum coating machine is good or bad.
  Machine coating process, handle uneven coating vacuum coating machine, you need to troubleshoot the film may affect the uniformity of the problem, before the mass detection repaired. All film coating machine coating system will be affected to some extent in the case of film uniformity, take magnetron sputtering vacuum coating machine for a brief example:
  Magnetron sputtering of work is not as complicated, with a highly efficient and stable by sputtering source bombarded targets in a certain vacuum coating indoor environmental conditions, so it is a PVD target physical decomposition process, the target decomposed atoms form a film deposition surface of the product through the process. During the reaction, consider packing a magnetic field uniformity, vacuum environment, the protection of gas three aspects affect film uniformity. However, some changes in the uneven film may also be unstable or is caused by target sputtering source, this type of situation is more difficult to handle.
  You know, no matter Monitor precision coating machine comes with high or low, it is only able to control the position of a single point of interior coating layer thickness, generally refers to the middle position of products, even to this point by controlling the film away from this point to ensure product film uniformity.
  Vacuum environment is controlled by suction, the time required to maintain a stable degree of vacuum accurate detection and control systems, need to stop pumping when the degree of vacuum reaches a desired state, the degree of vacuum state is required to be lower than the need for timely evacuation regulation. There is a reasonable degree of vacuum coating interval range that the retardation decreased as the greater the required accuracy, the more difficult to control, better and more stable relative to the regulator; interval accuracy the greater the difference, the lower range, for detection and control system requirements low relative pressure greater volatility, the greater the impact for the film uniformity.
  In the past few years, more and more customers have increasingly high demands on the machine's requirements, especially the quality of the film density and uniformity, etc., for the production of coating machine manufacturers, to improve their technology is competitive protection force.