
The crystal homogeneity on vacuum evaporation coating machine

The crystal homogeneity on vacuum evaporation coating machine
The uniformity of the lattice degree of order: this determines the film is a single crystal, polycrystalline, amorphous, is accused of splashing sputtering coating machine hot issues in the vacuum coating technology.
Thickness uniformity, can also be interpreted as roughness, look in the light of the scale of the optical thin film coating machine (which is 1/10 of a wavelength as a unit, which is about 100 a), vacuum coating uniformity is good, easy to control the roughness of 1/10 of the visible light wavelength range, that is to say for the optical properties of thin film, vacuum coating without any obstacles. Car paint coating but if it is refers to the uniformity of atomic scale layer, that is to achieve 10 a even 1 a surface level off, is now mainly in the vacuum coating technology and the technical bottleneck, the specific control factors according to different coating detailed explanation is given below.
Uniformity on the chemical composition: vertical single door coating machine is in the film, the compound of atomic group branch as a result of the scale is too small and it is easy to produce uneven characteristics of SiTiO3 film, if the coating process is not scientific, the UV coating on the surface of the production line so the actual component is not SiTiO3, and may be in proportion to the other, the plating film is not want the chemical composition of the membrane, it is also the technical content of vacuum coating.

