
The vacuum chamber vacuum coating equipment how to design

The vacuum chamber vacuum coating equipment how to design
The vacuum chamber vacuum coating equipment how to design? Vacuum coating technology is the use of physical or chemical methods under vacuum conditions, so that the membrane surface to obtain the required vacuum coating technology which uses a method according to the different sections is divided into evaporation deposition, sputtering, ion plating, molecular beam deposition, and beam epitaxy, coating equipment is used in this analysis magnetron sputtering.
The vacuum chamber is a principal part of the vacuum apparatus, the vacuum chamber is the design of the main sealing and reliability considerations, the structure must be reasonable, the material production of vacuum equipment is carried out in a vacuum chamber, the vacuum degree of the influence of the material to be small, design can not be sloppy, pay attention to some problems.
Using magnetron sputtering vacuum coating equipment is commonly used in the main structure of the cylinder, the structure to ensure rapid evacuation, because airbags will deflate slowly, so to avoid isolated pockets, the upper end of the vacuum system will be installed magnetron sputtering a gun, the vacuum chamber and components in order to have sufficient strength to ensure that no change in the external shape and internal forces, the thickness needs to be sufficient.
Welding is a vacuum chamber in the manufacture of an important process to ensure that the vacuum chamber after welding does not produce leakage phenomenon, to be rational design of welded structures, improve the welding quality, ultra-high vacuum in the inner wall of the roughness of the surface to be polished to make it outdoors indoors smooth, special attention is required to prevent rust.
Leading coating decade specializing in a variety of vacuum coating application equipment manufacturers, over the years committed to the development and production of vacuum coating machine, with the latest technology to create a vacuum plating continue to meet market needs equipment, providing customers with customized process solutions and machines. Customers are welcome to inquire.

